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             *SciEnCe OF StreeTs*


We all know very well about internet. Internet  is a global network platform which provides various information and communication facilities. Very few of us knows about hidden or dark web.

  1. After going through dark web the concept of normal web should be explained.


Surface Internet includes those sites which are used or being surfed by normal people. These sites usually are indexed by Google, anyone can surf these websites by simply searching sites.

Surface web is available for all people anyone can go through these sites download and upload are also available like movies, songs or gaming sites. All these social media platforms,

movies sites and all these sites which normal people can surf comes under surface web.


Deep web include those websites having very  few pages indexed with Google search engine. These websites are not available are only available to selected persons or group. Deep web is used by larger companies, banks, government officials,  military projects. 

Deep web is hidden between several layers and protected by security features which may include user ID and password for entering into site.

Deep web is very much far beyond  the reach of normal people, deep web can never be found by  searching on GOOGLE, it requires URL and authentication which is only provided to selected people or group of people by admin .

surface web is available for all people, deep web also belongs normal people but for some particular people and requires authentication. After all layers the darkest layer of inter net is present known as dark web.


Dark web totally contains illegal content and it's web pages are not available in search engine, it is beyond the reach of normal people. DARK WEB contains content like drugs dealing, hiring a hit man,  human trafficking,  organs selling, child pornography and many more.

According to experts who studied and surfed dark web, this web contains red rooms and child pornography. 

According to a user that in red rooms children are kept and people are connected with this room by live camera. People pay money for torturing or hurting the children or any victim as they want.

For example a person pays 70 dollar for removing the eye of child.,This all is done live with alive person or child.

The money is paid in the form of Bit coins.

You can hire a hit man online for your enemy and a professional hit man will kill that person. 

Dark web consist of those goods which normal people are not supposed to be purchase or sell. DARK websites can't be opened by common or normal browser's like chrome,opera etc. Special browser's are available for surfing these websites known as TOR AND ONION BROWSER'S

  1. FACT is that only 5% of the total Internet is available on surface web, remaining 95% is deep and DaRk web.

I don't recommend you to go through these dark websites, these are completely illegal and normal person surfing dark web can be traced easily by governments.

Thank YoU 


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