BrAiN FacTs AND WilL PoWeR.

Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to.

              *SciEnCe OF StreeTs*

Let's start at first let me bring you to a imagination👯‍♂️.

Imagine you are in a jungle(like Bear grylls)


you are hungry and seen a dead eatble animal you go towards him and suddenly see,s
a tiger

which is aslo looking to dead

Tiger wants to eat both the dead animal and you🤤. Lets be physiological, tiger is
 Looking at you🤤. Now information goes from your 👀 to the centre part of brain known as amygdala.


Amygdala sends signal to all
parts of brain that this is the time to Do and Die😬.

Then your brain saves energy and provides make a decision for run or fight😲.

This is known as IMPULSIVE RESPONSE.

Let's imagine another situation, you are going to market and seen a sweet shop😍


and without thinking you go inside the shop. If you compare this situation with the tiger's situation such that your body working without thinking as impulsive response but you can stop your self through a secret gadget called WilL PoWeR💪.

 You stops if you remind that you are on a diet🤔 with the help of your prefrontal cortex which sends signals 💥to your brain

and lowers heart rate. This is known as PAUSE and PLAN response.

Now the question is how to increse your WilL PoWeR💪

# HeArT RaTe VariBiLitY

The time between  your heart beats vary then you're in pause and plan state and in that time you have more WilL PoWeR💪.

It can be acheived by lowering down your breath rate. For ex- 4-5 breathes per minute.

At initial state you face difficulty but after practice it can be acheived.

You have to do this for 3-4 minutes per day.

So try it and tell me Via Comments.


               👋RAM RAM👋


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