Me TrYinG BloggIng (# BlAcK HoleS.)

Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to 


*SciEnCe OF StreeTs*

Let's start. You've been heard a term BLACK HOLE☻. The first overview of blackhole was given by John Michell in 1783

. Black hole is a region of space where gravitational pull is so strong that even light can't escape through it😶.

Every particle is eaten which comes in the contact of black hole. Near black hole effect of time decreases and interesting is this that inside black hole time doesn't exist 🤤,hence there is no effect of time and space. Anything can be black hole if it can be compressed into it's smaller radius. Our Earth can also be a blackhole if it can be compressed to a size of 1.5cm👇.


Enormous sized sun can even be a blackhole if it's size is compressed to a pea👇

But this is not gonna possibly happen due to there less gravitational pull😊. Blackholes are generally comprises of stars. Stars are formed by clouds 💭 made up of dust and gas and these clouds 🗯 are called as nebula.👇


These clouds have very high concentration of hydrogen and 25% helium and other gases💨 at small concentration. When the concentration  of hydrogen molecules increases they collide with each other and gets converted into helium molecules due to high temperature and with the help of light and gravitational pull these nebula or clouds forms a round like structure which we called stars


. Our sun is also formed in similar way👌. But this process takes millions of years . When the concentration of hydrogen becomes low then they collaspe and causes super nova


due to there high gravitational pull gets compressed to a critical limit and due to it's massive compression space and time becomes ineffective and due to this the star becomes invisible and we call it a Black hole☻☻. The whole mass is concentrated at a point or a bindu(in hindi)
called as central singularity point.

👨‍🚀THanK You👩‍🚀

                                      👋RAM RAM👋


  1. Don't miss previous intresting post on Visual effects and CGI


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