Me TrYinG BloggIng(#VFX and CGI)

Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to        
                              *SciEnCe OF StreeTs*

Let's start. If you are keen to watch movies then VFX and CGI are that terms that you've heard many of times.VFX or visual effects are a kind of computer software's that are used for creating amazing and unrealistic scenes which looks realistic🤤.


Now how it works:- for example if you have to use VFX in a movie then directors and actors competes the shoot of that scene in blue or green  background. Later that background is replaced by


amazing backgrounds by computer softwares.😏

As VFX is incomplete without CGI😌

CGI:-( computer graphic image)
This technique is used to create any type of set which looks completly  REAL. It is popularly used in 🇮🇳 Also💪

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You can create anything (based upon your imagination) Dinosaur,space stations,  THANOS, IRON MAN 😉etc.
VFX and CGI reduces $million dollars$ by creating visual sets instead of real sets.
Here are some best VFX and CGI tools and softwares.

* 3ds Max (3D Studio Max) '09.
* DigiCel FlipBook. ...
*e-on's Vue 7 xStream. ...
*Luxology's modo 302. ...
*Maya '09. ...
*Pixologic's ZBrush 3.1

  THanK You.
   ✋RAM RAM✋


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