QuAntAm RelAm explained
Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to
*SciEnCe OF StreeTs*
So Friend,s you've seen quntam relam
in antman 1 and 2 so
I'm explaining you in 3 parts
In comics, in movies, in Real liFe
# QuAntAm RelAm in comics.
In comics QuAntAm RelAm is known as microverse and is first shown in 1943
In Captain America issue no- 26
Microvesre is an alternate dimension which allows in TraVellinG with help of pym particles.
Pym particles are subatomic particles are capable of adding or reducing mass
In microverse people are living like us and microverse consists of 8 planets
In which captain America, bucky and Dr.doom
gone for a Walk
#QuAntAm RelAm in movies
In MCU QuAntAm RelAm has been shown in 2 movies.
Dr strange has been introduced to QuAntAm RelAm by Ancient one.
In which strange is thrown in sevral dimensions.
QuAntAm RelAm is mainly focused in antman when he gets TRAPPED while fighting with yellow jacket.
QuAntAm RelAm is more deeply shown in antman and the wasp in which scott lang travels in it
With the help of machine made by Dr.Hank
And rescue his wife but got trapped.
QuAntAm RelAm plays an important role in time traVellinG for avengers
For defeating
#QuAntAm RelAm in real life
In real life QuAntAm RelAm exists but it a scientific location
Not a Heroic location
According to scientists in quantum relam particle size is less tha 100NM.
and belive that through QuAntAm traVellinG TELEPORTATION is possible.
But now only researchers are imagining it.
But you can get fast internet through QuAntAm tunneling.
*SciEnCe OF StreeTs*
So Friend,s you've seen quntam relam
I'm explaining you in 3 parts
In comics, in movies, in Real liFe
# QuAntAm RelAm in comics.
In comics QuAntAm RelAm is known as microverse and is first shown in 1943
In Captain America issue no- 26
Microvesre is an alternate dimension which allows in TraVellinG with help of pym particles.
Pym particles are subatomic particles are capable of adding or reducing mass
In microverse people are living like us and microverse consists of 8 planets
In which captain America, bucky and Dr.doom
#QuAntAm RelAm in movies
In MCU QuAntAm RelAm has been shown in 2 movies.
Dr strange has been introduced to QuAntAm RelAm by Ancient one.
In which strange is thrown in sevral dimensions.
QuAntAm RelAm is mainly focused in antman when he gets TRAPPED while fighting with yellow jacket.
QuAntAm RelAm is more deeply shown in antman and the wasp in which scott lang travels in it
With the help of machine made by Dr.Hank
And rescue his wife but got trapped.
For defeating
#QuAntAm RelAm in real life
In real life QuAntAm RelAm exists but it a scientific location
Not a Heroic location
and belive that through QuAntAm traVellinG TELEPORTATION is possible.
But now only researchers are imagining it.
But you can get fast internet through QuAntAm tunneling.
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