
Showing posts from August, 2018


Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to               *SciEnCe OF StreeTs* After knowing that the earth is not only the planet where the life exist. Scientists looking or searching for the planets where life is possible. What is PARALLEL UNIVERSE? According to this theory the COPY or exact resemblance  of everything, OrgaNiSm and even each and every conditions exist anywhere else in another  universe which is simar to ourselves. Hence it is also POSSIBLE that all the possibilities of you which gonna happen in your life but not happened may happening in another similar universe. For EXaMpLE- .You may have already seen this blog in a similar universe. .You may not be heard about SciEnCe OF StreeTs in another universe . .My blog has became famous and got approved by adsence😂😉. Anything can  happen. After reading this you may look this therory familiar to Hollywood movies. But this theo...


Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to             *  SciEnCe OF StreeTs  * Let's start TeLeportatio n- teleportation is the transfer of  matter or a form of energy from one place to another place without traVellinG distance. The question is that we are capable of teleportation in future? and in present where we have reached in the phase of teleportation. Very few of you know that where we have reached. TELEPORTATION IS POSSIBLE NOW🤤 Yes. Teleportation is possible for atoms.  For photons teleportation is discovered or proved since long time ago. Photons are smallest unit of light or light is made by the combination of photons. Everything is made up of atoms. Atoms are smallest unit of body. Molecules are made up by the combination of atoms. In city University of New York an atom has been teleported from one room to another by a scientist name Michio Kaku. Michio Kaku bel ieve that ...

DiD NASA never 👨‍🚀LANDED👩‍🚀 on MOON?

Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to *SciEnCe OF StreeTs* Did NASA ever landed on MooN? Apollo mission is known for landing an human being  first time on MooN. Mission commander Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on MooN. After 20 minutes pilot Buzz Aldrin became 2nd person to land. After spending 135 minutes on moon they collected rocks and returned back to EARTH. After that 5 more Apollo missions are carried out by the NASA through which 10 more astronauts stepped on MooN. This gives world a new phase for space exploration. But some conspiracy theorist,s belive that NASA never ever landed on MooN🤤. The images and videos shown by NASA are fake and are made at PHOTO STUDIO. According to them during apollo missions America is not worth of landing astronauts to moon. America did this drama to prove that they are sevral steps ahead from Russia in Space race. Let's talk about some major conspiracy theories claims and find what the TRUTH is....

Water Found on planet MARS🤤

Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to                               *SciEnCe OF StreeTs* Mars planet remain in continous talk between researchers. This topic got an hype through a recent research held on 25 july 2018. Before this it was only assumed that at some time water flowed on planet Mars. But they didn't got evidence of flowing water. We'll TaLk about this research that how it is done. Let's START. On 25th july 2018 an article was published by italian researchers. Mentioning that they found a lake of WATER beneath the surface of ice at the souTh POLE of Mars. They made it possible with the help of European space agency orbital known as MARS EXPRESS ORBITTER This orbital is revolving around MARS since 2004. Inside the orbital a powerful radar named as marsis is fitted.This radar is capable of releasing low frequency electromagnetic waves towards thhe surface of mars. ...