Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to *SciEnCe OF StreeTs* After knowing that the earth is not only the planet where the life exist. Scientists looking or searching for the planets where life is possible. What is PARALLEL UNIVERSE? According to this theory the COPY or exact resemblance of everything, OrgaNiSm and even each and every conditions exist anywhere else in another universe which is simar to ourselves. Hence it is also POSSIBLE that all the possibilities of you which gonna happen in your life but not happened may happening in another similar universe. For EXaMpLE- .You may have already seen this blog in a similar universe. .You may not be heard about SciEnCe OF StreeTs in another universe . .My blog has became famous and got approved by adsence😂😉. Anything can happen. After reading this you may look this therory familiar to Hollywood movies. But this theo...