Water Found on planet MARS🤤

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                              *SciEnCe OF StreeTs*

Mars planet remain in continous talk between researchers.

This topic got an hype through a recent research held on 25 july 2018.

Before this it was only assumed that at some time water flowed on planet Mars.

But they didn't got evidence of flowing water.

We'll TaLk about this research that how it is done.

Let's START.

On 25th july 2018 an article was published by italian researchers.

Mentioning that they found a lake of WATER beneath the surface of ice at the souTh POLE of Mars.

They made it possible with the help of European space agency orbital known as


This orbital is revolving around MARS since 2004.

Inside the orbital a powerful radar named as marsis is fitted.This radar is capable of releasing low frequency electromagnetic waves

towards thhe surface of mars.

Some waves strikes on the surface and returns back but some
Penetrate through the surface and strikes to anything which is present beneath it.

By the study of these waves we let to know that what is present beneath the surface.

After continuous 3.5 year's of study of south pole scientists found that within under 1.5 km only dust particles

are present but BENEATH IT researchers found that a special type of layer is present which is bright and reflective.

They first assumed that this layer is may be frozen carbon dioxide

but they were wrong.

 After analysing nearby deposits and temperature they came to the decision that the highly reflective layer was none other than the layer of LAKE OF WATER

in which salts are also present at higher concentration or amount.

 The area is spread upto 20 km and depth is assumed 1mile.

Water reflects more electromagnetic  waves beneath the surface as compared to solid.

With the help of this wave technique scientists cofirmed that OCEAN OF WATER is present beneath the Antarctica's surface.

Scientists are pretty much sure that the layer is lake of water because they got  similar ratings of both Antarctica and south pole of Mars.

Now the question is that if layer of WATER is present beneath the surface of mars THEN can it possible that may life also present in mars in some form.

Actually it cannot be said with surety because conditions of mars are harsh for survival of any type of OrgaNiSm.

But according to scientists living form requires 3 components for living
.liquid water
.energy source
.biological seed

Above 2 are present on mars but the 3rd one may be generated in future like it is found in EARTH.

It is not confirmed with surety  that the present layer present is of water untill the surface is drilled by machine.

👋ThAnK YoU 👋

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