Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to

              *SciEnCe OF StreeTs*

After knowing that the earth is not only the planet where the life exist. Scientists looking or searching for the planets where life is possible.


According to this theory the COPY or exact resemblance  of everything, OrgaNiSm and even each and every conditions exist anywhere else in another  universe which is simar to ourselves.

Hence it is also POSSIBLE that all the possibilities of you which gonna happen in your life but not happened may happening in another similar universe.

For EXaMpLE-

.You may have already seen this blog in a similar universe.

.You may not be heard about SciEnCe OF
StreeTs in another universe .

.My blog has became famous and got approved by adsence😂😉.

Anything can  happen.

After reading this you may look this therory familiar to Hollywood movies.

But this theory have scientific sources and evidences.

Scientists divided this into 3 levels by which we can not only understand but are able to find that where these parallel universe's exist.

Level 1- 

We didn't know yet about the shape of Space time.

According to a theory spacetime is flat and have infinite dimensions

. If this is true then we cannot disagree to the fact of multiple universe. And it is also possible that similar universe exist. This is because each and every configuration repeats itself after some time.

For example this configuration
12,21 here 12 comes again after that

So this gonna possibly happen that a similar galaxy , Earth and even a similar person of you exist.

But it is not possible to meet your similar person of level 1 because he may lives too far about many light years from where even light is not able to reach.


Similar universe's of level 2 according to eternal theory of influences universe's exist inside a bubble

and by the combination of divisions of these bubbles universe's are formed.


Similar universe's of level 3 based is based upon quantum physics. According to this the similar universe is present in our own world but we can't see it because it is in different dimension.
It sounds weird but it has been proven.

One electron can remain at different places at same time, this is proved by Heisenberg principle of uncertainty.

So it can be applied to You also because our body is also comprised of electrones.

It can be possible that you are present in different dimensions at same time.

INTERESTING FACT is that if you travel time in past and kill yourself in past

then you will be alive in future because you killed yourself in past means he is living in different dimension and you are living in different dimension.

But we don't have any permanent evidences about parallel universe so these are only theroies for now.

But these theories may get evidences in future.

ThAnk YoU

                          👋RAM RAM👋


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