Top Sci-fiction👨🚀 movies EVER😍

Hello Friend,s me welcoming you to * SciEnCe OF StreeTs * TOP SCI-FIC MOVIES EVER 1. Edge of tomorrow Legendary Tom cruise and Emily blunt starter edge of tomorrow is a amazing Movie Which includes TiMe traVellinG, good action scenes, THRILL. The team fights with aliens in which Tom cruise Dies approximately 50 to 60 times.(as on title) This movie have some comedy scenes too It is a must watch movie purely based of SCI- FIC. Ratings - IMDB- 7.9 ROTTEN TOMATOES- 90% 2. The Martian The Martian is a space-time based movie. Matt Damon is in lead role and best part of this movie is his acting. Story is that a crew of astronauts is sent to mars but due to to some unfavourable conditions they return back leaving Matt Damon character behind on Mars. Story is based on that how he survived there and did he returned on Earth. IMDB...